Geoparque Unesco

Apr 29, 2024

Geolodía 2024

Apr 17, 2020

Siguenos en RRSS

Jun 06, 2019

Excava 2019

May 10, 2018

Geolodía 2018

Apr 26, 2017

Proyecto Mallata

Apr 17, 2017

Geolodía 2017

Apr 27, 2016

Geolodía 2016

Dec 18, 2015

Feliz Navidad

Jun 06, 2014


May 05, 2014

Geolodía 2014

Mar 06, 2015

Concludes the course of "Geological Heritage Guide in Sobrarbe"

Today, Friday 27 February, will be held at the headquarters of the region Sobrarbe the closing ceremony of the First Course "Geological Heritage Guide Sobrarbe", which took place between the months of October 2014 and February 2015. it will be chaired by the President of the Sobrarbe, Enrique Campo.

33 diplomas will delivered to students who have successfully completed the course and facing current and future professional challenges with a specialist profile in the field of tourism geological.

This free training course of 110 hours, organized by the Sobrarbe Geopark and sponsored by the Department of Agriculture Livestock and Environment of the Government of Aragon, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, Funds Leader, the CEDESOR and Sobrarbe County, has come to an end after holding various theoretical sessions and numerous field trips to throughout Sobrarbe Geopark.

Basa de la Mora

From the hand of Dr. Belmonte Ribas, scientific coordinator of the Geopark, 35 students have worked the theoretical framework and general concepts as running and composition of the Earth, formation processes of the mountains and landscape modeling, and more specific ones as Pyrenees and Sobrarbe Geopark geology and Geoconservation concepts, among others.


During the many field trips, participants have learned firsthand twelve of the thirty geo-walking routes that exist in Sobrarbe. The geo-routes are itineraries that run interpreted geologically different parts of the Geopark. Very soon they will be available to the public free digital guides on the web This will allow visitors to discover Sobrarbe from a more geological perspective.

Sierra de Guara

With this training it seeks train the personnel that in the exercise of their professional activity uses or wants to use geological heritage of Sobrarbe as social, cultural and economic resource; present the geological heritage of Sobrarbe as a factor of integral development, promoting the emergence of new sources of employment in our country and the birth of new business projects related to the use thereof; promote in society a sense of conservation and appreciation of our heritage, encouraging citizen participation and strengthen the promotion, dissemination and encouragement of geological heritage of Sobrarbe.


Avda. Ordesa 79. 22340 Boltaña. Huesca. 974 518 025.

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