Geoparque Unesco

Roadside Geological route

Map of locations of the Points of Geological Interest along the basic route.

As an example of the rich geological heritage in our Geopark, we suggest you take an easy route through Sobrarbe using the main roads, giving you a clear idea of the variety of outstanding geological landscapes in our county. At each point of geological interest, you will find boards with different levels of information in three different languages. .

We aim to acquaint visitors with some of the basic elements of our geological heritage. They are scattered throughout the whole county, stretching from the Paleozoic period to the present time.

Download the brochure

Each Point of Geological Interest along the basic route is equipped with one or more information boards about our geological heritage.

One of the information boards along the route. Information is available in three languages.:

Avda. Ordesa 79. 22340 Boltaña. Huesca. 974 518 025.

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