Geoparque Unesco

R.3. San Vicente de Labuerda

Route 3. Aínsa - San Vicente - Labuerda - Aínsa

From the first point of interest, we can observe some mountains, such as the Peña Montañesa (Highland Rock) that travelled up to 40km like riding layers in the rock before finally settling..

The following panel stands by an outcrop of even sandstone layers which reach a thickness of 20cm. These rocks have been used for traditional building in the county, as we can see from the St. Michael Hermitage nearby.

Following the main route, near San Vicente, we find two big dunes that formed hundreds of meters below sea level.l.

Finally, as we ride along the Cinca River, we can observe the variety of rocks that the river transports, arranging them by size along its course.

UTM ED50 31 T: 261306 4704711 / 261641 4705566 / 262623 4705632 / 264816 4703355

Route map highlighting the points of geological interest along Route 3. Aínsa-San Vicente-Labuerda- Aínsa.

Recomentations in your visit to Sobrarbe-Pirineos Geopark

  • Safe visits, unforgettable experiences. There are companies who collaborate with the Geopark where you can hire specialized guides to make your tour a unique and safe experience.
  • Respect the geological outcrops. Do not break off samples of rock, mineral or fossils.

Avda. Ordesa 79. 22340 Boltaña. Huesca. 974 518 025.

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