Geoparque Unesco

R.5. From Aínsa to El Pueyo

Route 5. Aínsa - St. Anne’s Hermitage - El Pueyo de Araguás - Soto - Buixitar - Aínsa

The first point of interest is the submarine channel of the turbidic system in Aínsa II, whose evolution and structure has been studied by universities and crude oil geologists world-wide. In the following outcrop, sandstones and marlstones show different resolutions as a result of tectonic forces.

Sandstones are broken, whereas marlstones absorb the deformation with a more ductile behaviour.

Later, the track crosses some sandstone layers with sea urchin fossil traces that formed as they were feeding.
The final point shows us a diversity of aspects in the sandstone layers in the turbidites, from their thickness to the variety of texture and structure. .

UTM ED50 30 T: 265314 4701535 / 266209 4702253 / 268390 4700825 / 267708 4700167

Route map highlighting the points of geological interest along Route 5. Aínsa-St. Anne's Hermitage-El Pueyo de Araguás-Soto-Buixitar-Aínsa.

Recomentations in your visit to Sobrarbe-Pirineos Geopark

  • Safe visits, unforgettable experiences. There are companies who collaborate with the Geopark where you can hire specialized guides to make your tour a unique and safe experience.
  • Respect the geological outcrops. Do not break off samples of rock, mineral or fossils.

Avda. Ordesa 79. 22340 Boltaña. Huesca. 974 518 025.

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