Geoparque Unesco

The Sorrosal Cascade

A trip to the deep seafloor of the Pyrenees along the via ferrata.

The completion of the "vía ferrata" in the Sorrosal Cascada allows us to see different and important geological features.

Along the course of the "via ferrata" we can find many outstanding points of geological interest.

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sequence rocks turbidites


The Sorrosal via ferrata is a climbing route, facilitated by ironwork. Because of this it is mandatory to have previous experience and use appropriate safety equipment to climb it: helmet, harness and energy absorbing brakes approved for via ferrata use and to personally accept the risks inherent in this activity: the possibility of falls, rock falls, lightning, etc.

If you lack some of these requirements or want more information, consult and/or hire a mountain guide.

Recomentations in your visit to Sobrarbe-Pirineos Geopark

  • Safe visits, unforgettable experiences. There are companies who collaborate with the Geopark where you can hire specialized guides to make your tour a unique and safe experience.
  • Respect the geological outcrops. Do not break off samples of rock, mineral or fossils.

Avda. Ordesa 79. 22340 Boltaña. Huesca. 974 518 025.

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