Geoparque Unesco

The Canyon Trail

COLLABORATING ENTITIES OF THE GEOPARK: on your trip to the Unesco Sobrarbe-Pyrenees World Geopark look for them and enjoy their welcome and services.

1st Day: Añisclo Canyon

ROUTE: Aínsa - Añisclo Canyon - Molino de Aso Circuit - Vió Valley

TYPE OF ROUTE: A circular route by car.

This tour follows the instructions and explanations given in the PN 9 Geo-Route Circuit Añisclo Canyon.

It includes the easy circular walk to the mill and the River Aso Waterfall.

STARTING POINT: From Aínsa take the A-138 main road towards Bielsa and France. In Escalona turn off to the left towards Puyarruego.

1st STOP: Cambras Ravine

Go past the turn off to Puyarruego on the left and continue along the road which soon enters the lower stretch of the Añisclo Canyon called the "Desfiladero D'as Cambras". We recommend that you follow the instructions given in the PN 9 Geo-Route Circuit Añisclo Canyon.

2nd STOP: Source de Baños

Go down the stairs that lead to the "Fuente de Los Baños".

There's an access sign for the spring on the road through the canyon.

The spring is 270 steps down at the bottom of a narrow gorge.

3rd STOP: Añisclo Canyon

You can pull over at all the stopping points along the gorge. Some of them have information panels. It's an easy drive thanks to the one way system that has been put in place.

4th STOP: Molino de Aso Circuit

Park your vehicle in the Car Park at San Úrbez, also known as Ereta de Bies. From here you can walk along the easy but spectacular Molino de Aso Circuit. Along the foot path you can visit the San Úrbez Bridge, the San Úrbez cave chapel, the bridge over the River Bellos and the River Aso Waterfall.

  • Type of path: Circular.
  • Difficulty level: Low.
  • Duration: 45 minutes to do the circuit.
  • Gradient: 50 metres.

San Úrbez Bridge.

San Úrbez cave chapel. Photo by Nacho Pardinilla.

5th STOP: Las Cruces Vantage Point

Once back at the "Ereta de Bies", continue along the one way road towards Nerín and Fanlo. Take the turn off to Buerba and Vió.

Make a stop at the "Las Cruces" Mirador (viewpoint).

Great views from the "Mirador".

6th STOP: Vió Vantage Point

Just next to the turn off to Vio, you can stop and get out at the "Mirador de Vió - Buerba". The landmark here is a small stone building with a chimney. The views of the Añisclo Canyon and the Monte Perdido mountain range are nothing short of spectacular.

Views from Vió Vantage Point.

7th STOP: Vió and Buerba

You should visit Vió and Buerba, where you'll find interesting examples of traditional architecture and religious monuments such as the Romanesque parish church at Vió.



8th STOP: Buerba - Puyarruego road

As described in the PN 9 Geo-Route Circuit Añisclo Canyon, you make several stops along the road that goes down to Puyarruego from Buerba.

Have a look at Information Table 11. "The Origins of the Peña Montañesa". Geo-Route panel at the side of the road.

Bellos River. Añisclo Canyon.

Peña Montañesa Views.

2nd día: Vero River canyon

ROUTE: Boltaña - Guaso - Arcusa - Erípol - Lecina - Vero River Canyon

TYPE OF ROUTE: A linear route by car between Boltaña and/or Aínsa and the River Vero Canyon (there and back on the same road).

This includes the GR 5 Geo-route. Breath-taking landscapes of water and rock. Vero River canyon viewpoints.


  • From Boltaña take the A-2205 from the Monasterio Hotel, towards Guaso and Arcusa.
  • If you start from Aínsa, take the A-2205 from the Meson de Ainsa Hotel, towards Guaso and Arcusa.

1st STOP: Guaso

Between Boltaña and Lecina you'll pass through some beautiful scenery and will be able to stop and take in some of the stunning architecture in the villages along the way. We recommend you make some stops, the first of which would be in Guaso. You can get up to the top of the village by car and visit the parish church and the "Esconjuradero" from where you'll enjoy dramatic panoramic views.

Have a look at Information Table 3. "An ocean of rocks", Geo-Route panel at the side of the road.

Guaso "Esconjuradero".

2nd STOP: Erípol

A visit to the village of Erípol, where you'll find the Table 1. Landscapes of yesterday, landscapes of today.

Table 1. Landscapes of yesterday, landscapes of today in Erípol.

3rd STOP: River Vero Canyon

A walk along the GR 5 Geo-route. Breath-taking landscapes of water and rock. Vero River canyon viewpoints.

  • Starting Point: Vero Canyon car park, at kilometre 19 on the A-2205, between the turn-off to Lecina and Colungo. This is a large, visible, car park with several information panels and some picnic tables (that may be hidden by parked cars).
  • Route: Vero Canyon Viewpoint - Chapel of San Martin - Tozal de Mallata Viewpoint - Portiacha Ravine Viewpoint.
  • Type of route: Circular.
  • Difficulty level:Low, but it is necessary to ford the river on 5 occasions, which is not difficult but, depending on the amount of water carried by the river, can be just over knee-high in the case of an adult.
  • Duration: 3,5 hours.
  • Length: 6 kilometres (there and back).
  • Gradient: 450 metres up and 450 metres down.
  • Geo-Route description and geological information: GR 5 Geo-route. Breath-taking landscapes of water and rock. Vero River canyon viewpoints.

Photos by Nacho Pardinilla.

4th STOP: Lecina

After walking the GR 5 and before returning to Aínsa or Boltaña, you can have a look around the village of Lecina which has a lot to offer, notably its Milennial Oak tree (the path starts from the main square and gets you there in 5 minutes).


Milennial Oak tree.

Avda. Ordesa 79. 22340 Boltaña. Huesca. 974 518 025.

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