Geoparque Unesco

Sobrarbe-Pirineos Geopark Advisory Board

Sobrarbe-Pirineos Geopark Advisory Board Ordinary Meetings are held twice a year at the County Hall in Boltaña (Huesca).

Among other strategies, in order to guarantee the sustainable development of the region, the Sobrarbe County Council has established the Geopark Advisory Board, an independent organism with legal powers. Its intent and purpose is the management of the Geopark.

Sobrarbe Geopark Advisory Board Ordinary Meetings

The Board of Directors of the Geopark Advisory Board is currently represented by:

  • The President, being the Sobrarbe County President as well.
  • Members of the Sobrarbe County Territorial Planning and Development Advisory Board
  • The Geopark Scientific Coordinator
  • The Geopark Manager, being the Sobrarbe County Manager as well.
  • The Environmental Department Director of the Aragon Government.
  • The Industry, Commerce and Tourism Department Director of the Aragon Government.
  • The Education, Culture and Sport Department Director of the Aragon Government.
  • Representatives from the Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park, Sierra and Cañones de Guara Nature Reserve and Posets-Maladeta Natural Park.
  • Experts in Geology from Saragossa University and Barcelona Autonomous University.
  • A representative from the Sobrarbe Research Centre.
  • A representative from the Foundation for the Bearded Vulture Preservation.
  • A representative from the Sobrarbe Tourism Association.
  • A representative from the Citizenship Forum "Forum 21" from Sobrarbe Agenda 21.

Scientific Advisory Committee

There is a Scientific Advisory Committee composed of professionals from various scientific fields directly or indirectly related to geology, and linked to the Geopark of Sobrarbe-Pirineos. The Committee is coordinated by one of its members, who is also a member of the Board of Directors (see above), in order to serve as connection between both groups.

Tasks of the Scientific Advisory Commission of the Geopark: provide scientific advice to the Board of Directors, as well as to collaborate in and supervise the activities and actions carried out by the Geopark


This Commission is composed of about 20 persons representing different institutions such as the Geological Survey of Spain (IGME), the University of Zaragoza, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Aure-Sobrarbe Studies and Documentation Center, etc.

The management carried out by the Advisory Board has three main objectives:

  • Promoting geotourism in the Sobrarbe Geopark and improving the quality of tourism in relation to geological heritage.
  • Promoting preservation, research and popularization of the geology in Sobrarbe County.
  • Spreading knowledge about our environment in relation to the geological resources of the Geopark.

Fieldwork training and promotion are essential in learning more about our geological environment.

Avda. Ordesa 79. 22340 Boltaña. Huesca. 974 518 025.

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